
My Off Week

Hi everyone!
Thank you Jean for your loving words. I miss and love you too!

This week started off the same as every other day in the life of the Bells...Monday morning Savannah and Laila woke up with an odd rash, and Laila's face was swollen. David took the girls to the dr. and they were diagnosed with strep throat. Thank you God that it was not MRSA. They had no other signs; fever, sore throat, etc..nothing. They were in seclusion with me until Wed. I was supposed to stay away from them as much as possible (ya right) and wear my mask. They were extremely happy to return to school on Wed. We all were. Friday Savannah had her 1st Kindergarten field trip to the pumpkin patch. She was so excited about riding a school bus. It has been all that she has talked about this month. No stomach aches this week. Laila missed my dad picking her up from school on Fri. he started his new job this week. Cathy and Tyler brought dinner over on Fri. and we had a nice visit as we always do. The girls love Tyler and they had a great time playing together. Thank you Cathy and Tyler!!! I have an apt. with Dr. Malik tomorrow, but it is just to check my blood work. Chemo again on Tues. It is an all dayer and my mom is taking me. David will be taking care of the kids. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers! I feel more at peace and I know that you are the reason. I love you all.
Love, Tracy

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