
October 9, 2007

OK Let me try this again! I just tried to post my blog and a screen first ate my post and then proceeded to tell me that it was the wrong page. I clicked on publish post. I love my computer!!

Thank you Mom and Debby for your wonderful words of encouragement. They were beautiful!

Suzy drove me to Georgetown again. Thank you Suzy!! Dad took care of Laila. Thank you Dad!! Mom picked Savannah up from school and drove the girls to dance class. Thank you Mom!! Dawn drove the girls to her house after class for dinner and for David to pick them up. Thank you Dawn!!

The day started good. We arrived at the hospital early-WOW! I had my bloodwork done which revealed that my counts are already dropping. The only one that Violet is concerned about is my platelets. There is not a long enough break between chemos for red or white cell shots so I have to be very careful with germs. Not very easy with 2 big germs running around all day. Please do not be offended if I do not let you in, but it will only be for a short while. This weeks treatment was so much smoother than last weeks. My pre-meds were started at 11:30 (we arrived @ 10). Suzy and Violet stayed on top of the pharmacy so that they did not forget about me. We were out of there by 2. We were also blessed with 2 great chair mates. They were a great distraction and helped to pass the time. Suzy drove me home and thanks to everyone taking care of my girls I was able to rest. David brought the girls home, got them ready for bed and then he had to leave for work. The girls are not taking this round of chemo very well. Laila is not giving us any trouble about going to school anymore, however she is really acting out. She has had 2 time-outs at school in the past 2 weeks. Yes, Laila! She has been very defiant and rude. I am surprised that she is behaving this way towards David and her teachers though. Savannah has a stomach ache just about every day and cries easily now. She is doing well in school, however has gotten into a little bit of trouble for being too silly or talking too much. She is exhibiting the same behavior at home: extremely excited, very loud, hard to focus, etc... I have the number of a child psychologist at Georgetown, hopefully she can give us some suggestions. When the girls go with me for my appointments there is always something for them to do. The Lombardi Center has programs for patients and families and the lady in charge (I can't believe that I forgot her name..chemo brain) of the program is very good to us. When my appointments coordinate the girls are able to work with the pediatric art therapist. They have been able to work one on one with her and Savannah has gone to the pediatric ward several times and worked with the kids over there. One of the projects was a huge mobile for the lobby. Savannah painted silk circles and they are part of the mobile. The girls are very proud of that, so are we. Kallie has good days and bad days. When she is with us they are good days. She does not talk about my cancer with me, I think she does not want to upset me. I am glad she talks to David and asks him questions though. David really likes his job and I am so happy about that. He does not talk very much about my illness either. He is concerned that I am not very sick yet. He thinks the sicker the chemo makes me the better it is working. Mom and Dad are doing great. My attitude has gotten much better about the whole situation. I think my problem was the period of time between finding out that I needed chemo again and when I was able to start. When I need to do something I get it done and move on to the next project. Waiting makes me crazy.
Please pray for my family. Pray that we find a way to help the girls express themselves in a healthy manner. Pray that David and Kallie find comfort in talking to each other. And please pray that the chemo shrinks and inactivates the cancer. Oh, and that the side effect are minimal to none. Thank you so much for everything! I love you all so much!!
Love, Tracy

1 comment:

psychomom Jean said...

I know this has been very hard for you. I suspect that seeing how hard this is for the girls had been one of the toughest things. Please know that we will always help with the girls and look out for them. You are an inspiration to us all Tracy. You had a great spirit and have stood up to some pretty tough fights that have come your way. Know that your are never alone and greatly loved. My life is better because you are in it. You have taught me so much, hope, faith, love stamina and a sense of humor. You keep fighting and we'll back you up. I wish I were closer to help but I am always thinking about you and praying for you.

Love you lots,