
Parent/Teacher Conference

OK, I am not one for bragging, especially about my girls (cough, cough), but my conference with Savannah's teacher was great. She knows all of her letter sounds, and all letters (she mixed up lower case g and q), and knows all but 3 blends. She knows all #'s to 100, shapes, and all of the coins. And while we have been reading level 1 books with her, she is reading on level 3! Mrs. Cracknell let me know that she is ready for the beginning of 1st grade.
Her behavior is very good also. Her teacher told me she did notice that Savannah does not like it when other children touch her. Shocker! I apologized for not alerting her to that and let her know that Savannah has never liked people touching her unless she instigates it. (Very good trait, hope she keeps it.) I guess a little boy would not stop touching her hair, Savannah was moved to a different table with a friend. Everything is better now. I AM SO PROUD OF MY LITTLE SCHOLAR!!
I love you all!! Love, Tracy

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