
December 4, 2007

Hi guys! Sorry that I did not post last week. Unfortunately I was extremely sick. It was the first time that I threw up. I am so glad that I was still at the hospital, I was sitting in the hall because the infusion center was so hot and it was making me feel awful. Suzy and a few of the nurses came to my rescue. Before the nurses were in the hall with me some lady started rubbing my back and called Beth (one of the nurses) to get help. Suzy kept trying to tell the woman that they were taking care of me, but she was not satisfied. I found out why yesterday...She is the VP of Georgetown!! I was told if I was going to throw up on someone, might as well make it someone important! (Glad I didn't though) The nurses were not happy that I was sick, but were very grateful that it happened where and when it did. They told me that they can talk until they are blue in the face, but until the suits see it for themselves nothing happens. The infusion center was not as hot yesterday, maybe it worked a little. God is so good. My "kick butt nurse" as Suzy calls her helped to come up with a different mix of my pre-meds. So far so good. I am a little shakey and only a tad nauseas, thank God again! I am extremely tired though, I think that the anxiety of getting all the holiday stuff done on time is part of that. Thank you for offers to help, I will let you guys know if I need it. It is my absolute most favorite time of the year and I love doing everything. But I know when I need help and I will ask so that my family has a fabulous Christmas. Back to my treatments, I had my MRI on Sun. David drove me up there. The girls stayed with Tony and JoAnn. Thanks guys!! They had a great time watching the Redskins throw away another game. Come on Skins, I'd say get it together, but it's a little late for that. On a brighter note they went to a neighbors and ate and played all afternoon. Suzy drove me to chemo both Mondays. Thank you Suzy!! I forgot to confirm that she was going yesterday and ended up calling her around 9:30 to ask for a ride. She had no problem and came right over and off we went. I felt bad because that put us in afternoon traffic when we left the hospital, but Suzy is now a professional driver and had no problems. Your awesome Suz! Dawn N picked up the girls from school and kept them until I got home yesterday. Thank you Dawn! They had a great time!
Great news at David's job...He is now on a regular run:} He was working on what is called the extra board with about 15 others, which means he called every morning to see when and if he was working. Winter is very slow on the extra board and sometimes drivers are lucky if they work 30 hours! His route runs Thurs afternoon until Sat afternoon. We are all so happy and excited.
Savannah has her first loose tooth! She is eating apples faster than Johnny Appleseed planted them!
Mom is leaving for the Bahamas on Thurs, she needs and deserves this trip. Take care of her Sheila. Have a great time!
I'll talk to you guys later!
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, meals, and play dates. They are very appreciated!
I love you all!! Love, Tracy

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